My Favorite Things
I have walked my own path towards healing and optimizing health over the course of 2 decades as well as helped thousands of clients. This experience has exposed me to proverbial “snake oil” products and I would love to share the products and services that have truly made the difference in my health journey. Here are my TOP FAVORITE THINGS that made the MUST HAVE list for supporting health and longevity:
1. REVOLUTION HEALTH AND WELLNESS SUPPLEMENT LINE: This brand is the leader in the industry for quality and safety. In a world where everyone has a neighbor selling a supplement with before and after pictures do not be mislead. REVOLUTION HEALTH AND WELLNESS supplements are regulated through a rigorous protocol to quarantine raw ingredients until they pass their quality control testing. From production to delivery, temperature control is maintained to avoid oxidization and other chemical changes that can occur when formulas are made in large batches and stored before shipping in large warehouses for mass distribution. Transparency is also important to REVOLUTION HEALTH AND WELLNESS SUPPLEMENT production. I have toured the headquarters and watched every stage of development from research to quality control to batch testing to packaging to my front door. I trust this company and their integrity! Shop HERE
2. VIBRATION PLATE: A common theme across a large percentage of my clients has been sluggish elimination pathways. We live in a toxic world and our bodies are having an increasing difficult time keeping up with the onslaught of disgusting chemicals and toxins in our every day lives. In addition to the daily attacks of toxins, we are also becoming more sedentary. Your lymphatic system, AKA “trash system”, does not have a pump like your circulatory system has your heart. Therefore, we must move to get and keep the trash moving. The contraction and relaxation of your muscles help undulate the lymphatic vessels and move the “trash” along to the elimination sites. Your elimination pathways are bowels, urinary, lymphatic, lungs, and skin. I always add the liver because of its critical job in mobilizing and neutralizing toxins for us. If you are not moving enough, your “trash” will become stagnant and start causing problems like inflammation. I STRONGLY encourage my clients to invest in a vibration plate to support the elimination of toxins. Many have reported that with regular use their energy levels are increasing and signs of inflammation are decreasing. Some have also reported this device has helped them break weight loss plateaus. The body will often use fat to protect us from toxins because the “Solution to Pollution is Dilution”. So when we move the toxins out the body will feel safe enough to let the fat go as well. BONUS: the vibration plate could help with bone health. This is the one I have use: VIBRATION PLATE
3. ESSENTIAL OILS: I just mentioned how toxic our world is and help clients navigate a “cleaner” lifestyle. Essential oils are a huge part of the movement to a less toxic home and life. So many of the products we use in our day-to-day lives are filled with synthetic chemicals. These unnatural products can weigh us down and even negatively influence the way we think, feel, and live. Pure essential oils offer an alternative to synthetic products. Essential oils are more than just natural products. Each with a unique chemical makeup, essential oils have dozens of benefits. Essential oil benefits are determined by the chemistry of the plants. If these natural chemicals are properly extracted, they can be used to help you in your daily life. My first challenge to clients is to remove everything from their daily life that has the word fragrance in the ingredients list. Essential Oils are a great replacement with many additional benefits to areas like sleep, stress resilience, focus and emotional well being. Shop my favorite brand HERE.
4. GROUNDING SHEETS: Earthing and Grounding practices have been in practice for centuries with Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners. The concept of Earthing is to connect our skin with the Earth to exchange energy and Grounding can include many different practices that help us feel grounded like meditation and breathing exercises. Therefore, ALL Earthing is grounding BUT not all Grounding is Earthing. If you have ever sat on a beach with your feet in the sand, gazed at the stars, spent extended time in nature, hiked through a forest or gardened the soil with bare hands you have experienced Earthing and Grounding. Calm, relaxed, reset, neutral, zen, centered have all been terms used to describe the outcome from these activities. Unfortunately, we don’t all live near a beach or forest, have the space to garden, or take the time to connect with nature at all. We work and live indoors with limited time to devote to grounding/earthing and are bombarded with electronics most of the time. Since Clint Ober discovered the concept over a decade ago, Earthing has undergone much scientific scrutiny. However, research indicates the following are consistent benefits of Earthing so get yours HERE:
*Eases inflammation and improves inflammation-related disorders
*Improved sleep
*Decrease of chronic pain
*Increase energy levels
*Normalization of body’s biological rhythms
*Improves blood pressure and flow
*Relieves headaches
*Accelerates recovery and healing
- NEBULIZER: A nebulizer is a must have for your health care arsenal. I like THIS travel size that gives me the flexibility to take care of myself and family on the go. At the first hint of congestion or respiratory irritation I am nebulizing Argentyn23 Colloidal Silver. Colloidal silver is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal so it doesn’t matter what the irritant is because silver can handle the most common offenders.